Cesare Emiliani's Human Era (HE) Calendar Reform Idea
Here are a few events in human history, starting Circa 1 HE...
See for yourself how Then was then, and Now is now...
This shows just a few dozen sample events. Our free HE Timeline eBook includes thousands of historical events organized using Emiliani's HE calendar reform idea.
Then Was Then, Now Is Now.
Recognize humanity's accomplishments since the beginning of the Human Era circa 12,000 years ago with Emiliani's fair-to-all Human Era calendar reform idea.
Put history into a flowing context with the HE calendar.
Use our updated, improved HE calculator to convert your own research dates to the HE calendar.
Cesare Emiliani proposed the HE Calendar Reform Idea and died a few years after his proposal. He was the Italian-American scientist who founded Paleo Oceanography and Project "LOCO" (Long Cores) at the U.S. National Science Foundation. He wanted a calendar system with dates fair to all people, without bias based on color, sex, country, beliefs, or sensibility. The University of Miami Richter Library houses Emiliani's archives. The Special Collections library assistant says this website and the HE Timeline eBooks give "meat and bones" to Emiliani's HE Calendar Reform idea.
Math and numbers? Ha! No worries when you use our fun, simple, free HE calculator / converter to see dates in a new context. You’re in the Human Era! You are part of the flow of wonderful human advancements! Choose to make the flow of time your own!

Read/Download the Free and ad-Free Illustrated
Human Era Timeline eBooks
"Human Achievements, Advancements, Innovations, and Understanding in Science using
EMILIANI's HE calendar Reform Idea"
or Visit Amazon to buy a paper copy
Author/Compiler: Ruthie Premack